In hindsight I can say I didn't fall for the NFT hype. But I did buy into the idea of digital ownership. I liked the idea of having a proof of ownership of something in a distributed ledger like the blockchain. After years of web development, I realised that this was what was what was missing on the web. An open source, distributed place to share information about something(s).
As a collector myself I toyed with the idea of making a NFT Collection of pictures. I knew I could make a digital collection, that was not the problem. I just couldn't get the idea off the ground. John Hawkins of The Conversation says:
"As with Bitcoin and similar speculative tokens, the primary driver for buying NFTs was greed. "

Alot of people, myself included thought, hmm this could be a quick and easy payday. But like everything that sounds too good to be true, it was.
I believe NFTs will still be around in the future, and I might even use it for my artwork practice. I am using the Digital twin website now offered by id.Art
A Digital Twin for my sculpture
Who knows, I might make my digital flower collection one day 🌹 Or my supereggs 🥚